Selected Published Articles:

? Don't Get Bogged Down on Small Things (Risk Management), The Bottom Line, March 2010

? Controlling Spreadsheets, Canadian Treasurer , June/July 2007

? Income Taxes, Canadian Treasurer, December 2006

? Building Effective Internal Controls, a White Paper published by First Reference, 2005
? Corporate Governance and Risk Management, The Bottom Line, October 2004
? Making the Case for a Policies and Procedures Manual, The Bottom Line, August 2004
? Unaccountable Accounting and Treasury Management, Canadian Treasurer, February 2004
? Accounting Issues in Treasury Management, Canadian Treasurer, June 1993

? Regular book reviews in Canadian Banker, 1988 to 1993

? Corporate Loyalty: A Trust Betrayed, book review in Canadian Business Review, Autumn 1989
? Income Tax Remission Orders: The Tax Planner's Last Resort or the Ultimate Weapon (with H. Arnold Sherman), Canadian Tax Journal, July 1986
? Moving to Canada: A Checklist for Immigrants (with H. Arnold Sherman), CA Magazine, January 1985
? Third Party Liability - Part I: Where Will It End, Part II: New Flasks and Old Wine, CA Magazine, August and September 1983